
Bedrohte Völker Nr. 4/December 2009

article published in "Bedrohte Völker" Nr. 4, December 2009; journal edited by the Society of Threatened People in Austria

(GfbV-Ö) - Menschenrechtsorganisation
Untere Viaduktgasse 53/7a
A-1030 Wien


A forgotten promise at Alte Spenglerei

Thanks to all who assisted our inauguration party! In the next three weeks the exhibition in the Arts Café Alte Spenglerei, Miesbach, is open from Tuesdays to Saturdays, 8:30 to 14:00 h.


A forgotten promise in Miesbach

Inauguration of the exhibition A forgotten promise in the Arts Café "Alte Spenglerei" in Miesbach. Stephanie Dunkl and me would like to invite you to the opening party on Sunday, 17-01-2010, at 16:00 p.m. The exhibition will consist of a reduced number of works of the whole project of A forgotten promise, but during the event it will be possible to show all the photographs on demand...

Café Alte Spenglerei
Marktwinkel 12
83714 Miesbach
Tel: 08025-9922733